The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is the first instalment in a series of books known as The Millennium Trilogy written by the Swedish, and now quite dead, author Stieg Larsson. The original title of the book (and also the film) is Män som hatar kvinnor, which translates to: Men Who Hate Women. And How! I haven’t seen this much non-consensual sex in the one sitting since I had jury duty.
+I mean, I’d just gotten broadband at the time.
The story begins with investigative journalist Mikael Blomkvist(
Michael Nyqvist
) being found guilty of defamation against Hans-Erik Wennerström. Mikael had printed some rather accusatory statements in his magazine, Millenium, and earned himself three months in prison. But before his sentence begins, he is summoned by Henrik Vanger(
Sven-Bertil Taube
), retired CEO and head of the Vanger family dynasty who beseeches Mikael to use his journalistic powers to investigate the disappearance of his great niece some thirty-five years prior.